Friday, November 5, 2021



camaraderie / noun / käm-ˈrä-d(ə-)rē

: a spirit of friendly good-fellowship

It is about the camaraderie of troops bound for Vietnam who as their leader warns, have one another and nothing but one another when they fall into hell.
— Stanley Kauffmann, New Republic, 25 Mar. 2002

… men on the sunny side of middle age, physical, competitive, used to the quick camaraderie of the team, be it a firefighting squad or a trading desk.
— Robert Lipsyte, New York Times, 3 Feb. 2002

Did You Know?
Camaraderie comes from French camarade, which is also the source of English's comrade, meaning "friend or associate."
Camarade means "roommate," "companion," or "a group sleeping in one room."
It is related to Latin camera, meaning "chamber."

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