Friday, January 21, 2022



winsome / adjective / IN-sum

1: generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence
2: cheerful, lighthearted

"Among the fabled activists who risked their lives and transformed those of many others in the civil rights movement, [Julian Bond] stood out with his smooth patter, winsome charm, and understated glamour."
— Gene Seymour, The New Republic, 1 Mar. 2021

Shirley MacLaine is the winsome elevator operator that one of those executives is toying with.
— Alison Willmore, Vulture, 6 Dec. 2021

Did You Know?
Winsome comes from Old English wynn, meaning "joy" or "pleasure," which was altered in spelling to win (with the same meaning).
That win is obsolete and is unrelated to today's win—referring to victory and coming from Old English winnan, "to struggle, suffer, or acquire."
The adjective winning, meaning "tending to please or delight," as in "a winning smile" or "winning ways," is believed to be from the victorious win.

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