Thursday, October 13, 2022



avuncular / adjective / uh-VUNK-yuh-ler

1: suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality
2: of or relating to an uncle

"From East L.A. to Pasadena, from Koreatown to Riverside, and from the San Gabriel Valley to Orange County, millions of baseball fans welcomed [Vin] Scully into their homes. And that created a connection not just between individual households to the voice of the Dodgers but also among each other. He was the avuncular storyteller of Southern California, around which a unified community gathered to listen and to learn."
 — Ryan Carter and Chris Haire, The Orange County (California) Register, 4 Aug. 2022

Now 70 years old, with an avuncular twinkle, Shadinov is one of the dwindling number of Moynaq residents who lived through this transformation.
— Henry Wismayer, Anchorage Daily News, 30 Aug. 2022

Did You Know?
Not all uncles are likeable fellows (Hamlet's villainous Uncle Claudius, for example, isn't exactly Mr. Nice Guy in Shakespeare's tragedy), but avuncular reveals that, as a group, uncles are often seen as friendly and kindhearted.
Avuncular comes from the Latin noun avunculus, which means "maternal uncle," but since at least the 19th century English speakers have used avuncular to describe uncles from either side of the family, or people who are uncle-like in character or behavior.
Avunculus is also an ancestor of the word uncle itself.

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